Tag Archives: ebook

The Ruby Heart of the Dragon: Sun Signs for Our Times

“Awaken Your Dragon Within”

Endorsed by NewAgeebook.com

The Ruby Heart of the Dragon is a complete overhaul of the zodiac, which tears down astrology clichés, and updates the twelve signs for our complex and changing times. Mark Borax, who created Soul Level Astrology in 1987, introduces each sign as a transformative journey from self-ignorance to self-actualization, which he dramatizes as seductively as a travel writer. Drawing upon more than thirty-five years of depth counseling others through his astrology of the soul, and upon his wild wandering life, Mark explodes Sun-sign clichés to present a wholly original take on the zodiac. The Ruby Heart is part exposé/part travel narrative, which blends a dash of memoir into the author’s revision of the twelve-part art of being human. A table in the back of the book enables you to identify the 3 Points of the Dragon in your own life: your Ruby Heart, which is your Sun sign, the Dragon’s Tail, which is the sign you’re leaving behind, and the Dragon’s Head, the sign you’re heading towards. Offering provocative new insights of love, sex and consciousness, The Ruby Heart of the Dragon reveals the stories under the stories, which contain questions and issues each sign must resolve to set its dragon free.

Kabbalah ebooks

Author William Wynn Westcott Ancient Ritualistic Lore and Prophecies of the Future Made Manifest to Man. With Eight Diagrams. Contents: The Kabalah; The Practical Kabalah; The Dogmatic Kabalah.    …

      Author : J. F. C. Fuller This masterly introduction to the Qabalah was written by one of the most influential occultists of the 20th Century. In addition…

Author : Dion Fortune Dion Fortune's classic, The Mystical Qabalah, explores all aspects of the Qabalah, including the esoteric sciences of astrology and tarot, which form the basis of the…

Author A. Crowley A general discussion of the Method and uses of the Qabalah (The Temple of Solomon the King).

Author Various Kabbalah literally means "receiving", in the sense of a "received tradition", and is sometimes transliterated as Cabala, Kabbala, Qabalah, or other permutation. Kabbalah esoterically interprets the Hebrew Bible…

Spiritual ebooks

Author : Laozi All in the world know the beauty of the beautiful, and in doing this they have (the idea of) what ugliness is; they all know the skill…

Author : Charles Leyland It is a truth that there is very often an extremely easy, simple and prosaic way to attain many an end, which has always been supposed…

Author : H. Drummond Is there not reason to believe that many of the Laws of the Spiritual World, hitherto regarded as occupying an entirely separate province, are simply the…

Bundled ebooks

Get All 5 Books! Beginners Guide To Yoga & Meditation   Beginner's Guide To Lucid Dreaming Meditation Guide To Self Enlightenment Oceanic Mind - Deeper Meditation Course Essays On Lucid…

                GET ALL 6 BOOKS A True History of Witchcraft The Alexandrian Book of Shadows Gardnerian Book of Shadows Wonders of Wicca The  Basics of Magick Runes and Rune Magick GET…

Yoga ebooks

Author : Vitguides.com Yoga Philosophy is one of the six systems of Hindu Philosophy which exist in India. Unlike so many other philosophies of the world, it is a philosophy…

Author Steve Roberts An interesting way of unfolding the mysteries of the inner process is through dream yoga. A successful seeker in dream-work must be stable enough in presence to…

Author : S. Mills You're going to discover so many different things on yoga, workouts, stretches and more. Not only will you find new tips and tricks, but you'll also…

Author : Unknown This eBook covers what you need to know about meditating and it is easily understandable to the average person. It's like having your very own meditation expert…

Author : Various No longer is Yoga a "fad" of the sixties. Yoga has become a mainstream practice in the West, as many have discovered the holistic health benefits that…

Divination ebooks

Author : Unknown Runes are an ancient form of divination. To read the runes, you will either need to purchase rune cards, make tiles, or buy rune stones. Runes can…

Author : David Barret This is a title in a series of pocket-sized guides dealing with different methods of fortune-telling. Each book is a comprehensive guide to its subject, and…

Author : C.W. Leadbeater The possession of clairvoyant power is a very great privilege and a very great advantage, and if properly and sensibly used it may be a blessing…

Author : Paschal Beverly Randolph Seership is the work of an Orientalist, which term is commonly understood to mean, either one who has been born in the mystic east or…

Author : Benjamin Rowe Scrying (also called crystal gazing, crystal seeing, seeing, or peeping) is a magic practice that involves seeing things psychically in a medium, usually for purposes of…

Hypnosis ebooks

Author Various This Hypnosis eBook package contains the secret techniques from the masters. Here you find helpful information about the following: # 7 Success Secrets of Hypnotism # Essential Skills…

Author Wayne Perkins Hypnotize your friends in simple easy steps, by Wayne Perkins, "the school assembly hypnotist" and trainer of hypnotherapist! Practical exercises replace boring theory in helping the reader…

Author Unknown ENTERTAINMENT hypnotists love to make hypnosis look dark and mysterious and complicated. They love to pretend that they have special powers that no-one else possesses. I love to…

Self Help ebooks

Author Unknown Some of the greatest men and women throughout history have known the secrets of using the power within their minds to manifest their dreams, plucking them from the…

Author Unknown Everyone has a purpose and you will know it if you are actually putting your passion to use every day. No one should be unhappy with their daily…

Author Unknown Learn how to conquer your fears and turn your dreams into reality. You have the power - the power to mold your personality into someone you always wanted…

When did you begin to choose the life you are leading now? When did you decide on the job you have, and against the job you want? When did you…

Author : D, Libermann In an ideal society there would be no need for lies. But we live in a world of deception. And whether you want to play or…

Herbs ebooks

Author : H. K. Bakhru' It is a distinct philosophy and science which strengthens the age-old faith in the correction of bodily disorders and restoration of health through elements freely…

Author : Larry Combs Natural herbs have been in use since the dawn of time. The Chinese have been using these flavorful weeds for everything from spicing up a favorite…

Author Unknown Based on scientific evidence, it is clear that the safest and most effective treatment for various diseases are right in our households... A mixture of natural fruits, vegetables…

  Author Unknown These herbal uses and properties are only given for reference purposes. I am not responsible for any actions or outcome of use of these remedies, taken by…

Dreams ebooks

Author Unknown Do you have a dream that you can't explain? Are you worried by a nightmare or concerned that a bad dream may be a portent of the future?…

Author Unknown This 370-page ebook explores thousands of dream images so that the dreamer can attain a better understanding of himself, his world, and his life. The dreamer is able…

Author Unknown Which would you choose? To Fly? To Be an Eagle and Fly? To Walk Through Walls? To Have Superhuman Strength? All these things and more are possible in…

Author : Various A lucid dream is a dream in which the sleeper is aware that he or she is dreaming. When the dreamer is lucid, he or she can…

Author : B. Alan Wallace Modern scientific research into lucid dreaming draws a sharp distinction between the waking state and dreaming, and it has developed practical methods for inducing lucidity,…