Author Steven Madrid

Author Steven Madrid is a “Warrior Of Total Freedom” in the practice of Carlos Castaneda.

In accordance with the Warrior’s Way of “erasing one’s personal history,” very little is known about author Steven Madrid besides what he himself offers of his experience & knowledge.

Steven Madrid was born in Los Angeles, California in the early 1950’s attended High School locally and received further education in The California University system, studying English, Psychology, Anthropology, Religion and Philosophy, Asian Studies, Counseling, Art & Creative Writing. What began innocently for him many years ago as simple steps taken in the Warriors Path, eventually evolved into something that he could never have imagined is possible.

Author Steven Madrid has followed the Warrior’s Way for nearly a lifetime that led to his implementation of an all-too evident and joyous self-discipline that he best describes simply as “Knowledge.” Encountering the “Magical” and the “Fantastic” leading to his personal discovery and experience with what Author Steven Madrid calls “The Ultimate Source of All There Is,” that is responsible for “All That Exists” in accordance with its immutable all encompassing infinite indomitable quality and power.

For years, so many regular ordinary people just like Author Steven Madrid have read the accounts of Carlos Castaneda that opened the door to the discovery of the disciplined steps required to obtain this extraordinary knowledge. Moreover, contained in those accounts of the shaman and apprentice, teacher and student, is the fact that ultimately it was emphasized, a person needs no one to guide them. That anyone who becomes minimally aware of other possibilities, in essence, can proceed by his or herself.

Author Steven Madrid’s Lifelong story then is about that premise taken to heart and the dedicated human effort he underwent to seek out knowledge. To find verification for that which can have no other evidence other than what one can experience for one self. What is the source of all that exists and of all that human beings perceive? What happens when we die? For there is definitely no one other than yourself who can prove conclusively regarding the capabilities of human awareness and perception, that this is the way it is, this is what is accessible and available.

Author Steven Madrid now presents the actions, discipline and circumstances that he and his cohorts uncovered and undertook through the brand new reality-shattering presentation of his 1st new book release, “The Ultimate Source Of All There Is: The Carlos Castaneda Effect.”

That he has committed himself to totally to discovering whatever he has found to be within human possibility and to report it as accurately as possible. Author Steven Madrid remains forever grateful to all those authors whose legacy of experience and written works have pointed humanity towards new possibilities.

The Ruby Heart of the Dragon: Sun Signs for Our Times

“Awaken Your Dragon Within”

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The Ruby Heart of the Dragon is a complete overhaul of the zodiac, which tears down astrology clichés, and updates the twelve signs for our complex and changing times. Mark Borax, who created Soul Level Astrology in 1987, introduces each sign as a transformative journey from self-ignorance to self-actualization, which he dramatizes as seductively as a travel writer. Drawing upon more than thirty-five years of depth counseling others through his astrology of the soul, and upon his wild wandering life, Mark explodes Sun-sign clichés to present a wholly original take on the zodiac. The Ruby Heart is part exposé/part travel narrative, which blends a dash of memoir into the author’s revision of the twelve-part art of being human. A table in the back of the book enables you to identify the 3 Points of the Dragon in your own life: your Ruby Heart, which is your Sun sign, the Dragon’s Tail, which is the sign you’re leaving behind, and the Dragon’s Head, the sign you’re heading towards. Offering provocative new insights of love, sex and consciousness, The Ruby Heart of the Dragon reveals the stories under the stories, which contain questions and issues each sign must resolve to set its dragon free.

The Delusion of Hope

“The Divine Within”

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The author shares in the beginning that the soul intent of this book is to introduce you to what he has termed the “Higher Knowledge” and through the understanding of that “Higher Knowledge”, you can come to realize that you are much more than the superficial identity you have thought yourself into being. According to him, this book is a testament to the life force within us and the many ways it can manifest and affect the human experience. After experiencing his own spontaneous kundalini rising, he now shares the universal wisdom that lies within the very soul of our existence.

Awaken to ascension: mastering oneness and knowing yourself as source

Need help discovering your path to enlightenment? Discover an approachable guide to shattering illusions and finding inner peace.

Stuck in your spiritual development? Curious where profound truths may lie? Searching for clarity and greater self-awareness? Spiritual coach and healer with twenty-three years of experience, Marsha Hankins has guided countless seekers in their explorations of the bigger questions of existence. And now she’s here to share how to empower yourself in your journey, escape limiting beliefs, and tap into the infinite well of pure joy by reaching higher levels of consciousness and awareness.

Awaken to Ascension: Mastering Oneness and Knowing Yourself as Source is a nourishing guide for expanding your perspective and fully developing innate wisdom. Drawing on her own revealing personal pathway and the challenges of her students, Hankins sheds light on complex concepts so you, too, can dive deeper into the human soul. And by integrating her insights about the illusion of duality, you’ll cultivate your own vision of reality and walk the world filled with love and tranquility.

Author page for Marsha Hankins

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Author Mark Borax

About the Author

I’m Mark Borax and I created Soul Level Astrology in 1987, a method of using the astrological birth chart to identify your core nature, or soul, which is the deepest part of you.

I’ve also been a nomadic poet my whole life. In the late seventies I traveled the U.S. and Canada performing and selling my poetry. In the mid-eighties, I was befriended by my adolescent idol, writer Ray Bradbury, who became my literary godfather, believing in my writing even though it was taking forever.

In 1984 I became a comic book writer and the managing editor of Comics Interview magazine. In 1998 I rode my Harley Davidson Low Rider through the U.S. and Europe, stopping for a year in the Tuscan countryside of Northern Italy. My first book, published by North Atlantic Books and Random House in April, 2008 ‘ 2012: Crossing the Bridge to the Future, describes my seven-year apprenticeship to visionary astrologer Ellias Lonsdale. Under the redwoods in northern California we created a mystery school which birthed a new form of astrology called Star Genesis, that helps people contact their core nature and life purpose. My second book, Cosmic Weather Report, published in December, 2010, presents a new future for humanity, should we take up the challenge. (Personal) (Company)

Newest book

Author Marsha Hankins

Kindle Books by Marsha Hankins

Marsha Hankins has been a spiritual teacher and facilitator for more than 20 years. Her passion for teaching is evident as she shares her experiences of spiritual evolution with others. Marsha believes the goal of life is raising one’s frequency to remember the pure light of who we all are. She shares her knowledge and awareness of the ascension process with understanding and compassion for our spiritual growth, and she hopes her insights and techniques will help others find spiritual mastery.

Marsha teaches what she knows based on personal experiences of healing and expansion and those of her students and clients. She believes we all need teachers, but the final steps are up to us. Her desire is to help others cross the 4th-dimensional bridge of awareness into full 5th-dimensional consciousness.

Marsha is the co-creator of Standing in the Light®: 4th and 5th Dimensional Procedures for Experiencing Oneself as Source and Eminent Reiki®. She has also created and taught numerous other classes, including “My Body is My Temple: Techniques to Assist the Body in Holding more Light,” “Achieving Oneness with All Things,” “IAM Creator,” and more. Marsha is ordained in the Order of Melchizedek through the Sanctuary of the Beloved.

While she is now semi-retired from teaching, Marsha still trains teachers and facilitators, teaches seminars upon request, loves public speaking, and continues to write. She is currently traveling the western states with her husband in their 24 ft. camper and connecting with creation.

Her website is

John & George in Spirit: Harmonics of the Heart

On Amazon

John Lennon and George Harrison began conversing with me in 2006 and approached me in 2020 to see if I would help them to publish a volume of their thoughts. In our sessions, John and George express their deepest feelings about their childhoods and their lives and loves as Beatles. They talk about the multiple lifetimes that the four of them spent planning their Beatles’ lives for the purpose of spreading love and peace across Earth.

John and George have expanded their mission out into the universe, but they haven’t abandoned humanity and Earth. They fully intend to uplift human consciousness by connecting with every single person in a resonance field of higher Love. To this end, they have formed a massive group of people and beings, living and discarnate, that they call the Universal Soul Band. Anyone can join who is willing to listen through their heart. You can be a part of their music of higher Love as it transforms every living being on Earth and Earth itself.

They offer over 60 practices and meditations designed to help you to become aware of their presence in your life, to feel your interconnectivity with the heartbeat of humanity, and for you to sense Earth’s deep reverberations. They are fiercely determined to bring humanity into higher resonance and to bring Earth into cosmic consciousness.

The art of sparkling

“Let your Sparks Flow”

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We are all made up of energy, and Becky Brittain’s fun and (de)light-filled book The Art of Sparkling, Share Your Inner Light with the World tells us how to use that energy to help ourselves and others.
A clinically trained psychotherapist, life coach and registered dance-movement therapist, Dr. Brittain’s passion is helping others shine more brightly. Sparkling is a transmission of energies visualized as sparkling light. She sends out this radiant light through her fingers to intentionally enliven people, nature and animals. As she says, it’s a dance in light!
The Art of Sparkling will energize and enliven you and everyone and everything around you. Here is what some of her fellow sparklers say about this effervescent light-filled energy exchange.
Ushma from England says: “There is an innate magic in every quanta that makes up all you perceive around you. That magic is inherent to the divine that you are. It is the sparkle factor-and when you observe as that divine Sparkler, you bring it to life, outside and in!”
“Sparkling restores me when my emotional energies feel fragmented. I know I can replenish myself,” Jeanne from Missouri says.
Christina from Connecticut adds, “Sparkling lets me shoot out golden bolts of electric light through my fingers to revitalize my world and charge up my work projects.”
Once you’ve read The Art of Sparkling, Share Your Inner Light with the World, you’ll be sparkling, too!

Utopia Found: A Blueprint for Spiritual Renaissance and World Peace

A Blessing Read

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If we are to save the planet, we need to think outside the box like never before. Utopia Found rises to meet this epic challenge. It is unlike anything ever written: a journey through the whole of the human experience in search of those special elements of culture that, collectively, have the power to save us. This book offers a brand new paradigm for living peacefully and sustainably on earth.

The five sections of the book are:

1. Science and the Search for Truth in the West

Explains how the scientific tradition grew from the search for spiritual truth, and explores our basic misconceptions about it.

2. Toward a Multidimensional Understanding of the Universe

Explains the inherent limitations of scientific understandings, and provides evidence for metaphysical realities.

3. Jesus Christ and the Worldwide Traditions of Yoga

Explains how the life and teachings of Christ can be understood in a larger spiritual context.

4. A Unified Spiritual Culture

Compares the similarity of principles and practices from world spiritual traditions to form a framework of common understandings and agreements.

5. Creating a Spiritual Renaissance

Describes how we can form spiritual communities that bring people from different races and religions together, and use this template to create a peaceful, sustainable future.

This groundbreaking book is what the world needs more than ever at this critical juncture, providing a sane alternative to our current dystopian path. This is a way to save ourselves, transform our planet in a new image, and achieve our unlimited potential as beings of light.


The human senses, though finely tuned to observe, cannot comprehend the vastness of life. To go beyond our limitations, we must experience the world through feeling.

Using striking imagery that cuts to the heart, Tributaries: A Book of Poetry deftly describes the wonders of the universe—from a fledgling bird to the unfathomable cosmic ocean above. Every square inch of our world is filled with miracles; every moment is alive; every life is a phenomenon.

Author Pamala Ballingham takes the reader on a journey within and without. Her words and illustrations dance and whirl as if borne on the wind. She elegantly describes the deep feelings of grief and loss, the wealth of nature in our own backyards, and the profundity of deep, abiding love. Taken together, her poems reveal the many textures of a contemplative yet engaged life.

Eyes see far, but the soul feels farther. Ballingham’s poems offer a glimpse into the intangible in a way that only poetry can. As your eyes glide along these words, you will feel your soul grow and bloom to match the vastness of being.

Kindle version

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