“A Blessing Read“
Endorsed by NewAgeEbook.com
If we are to save the planet, we need to think outside the box like never before. Utopia Found rises to meet this epic challenge. It is unlike anything ever written: a journey through the whole of the human experience in search of those special elements of culture that, collectively, have the power to save us. This book offers a brand new paradigm for living peacefully and sustainably on earth.
The five sections of the book are:
1. Science and the Search for Truth in the West
Explains how the scientific tradition grew from the search for spiritual truth, and explores our basic misconceptions about it.
2. Toward a Multidimensional Understanding of the Universe
Explains the inherent limitations of scientific understandings, and provides evidence for metaphysical realities.
3. Jesus Christ and the Worldwide Traditions of Yoga
Explains how the life and teachings of Christ can be understood in a larger spiritual context.
4. A Unified Spiritual Culture
Compares the similarity of principles and practices from world spiritual traditions to form a framework of common understandings and agreements.
5. Creating a Spiritual Renaissance
Describes how we can form spiritual communities that bring people from different races and religions together, and use this template to create a peaceful, sustainable future.
This groundbreaking book is what the world needs more than ever at this critical juncture, providing a sane alternative to our current dystopian path. This is a way to save ourselves, transform our planet in a new image, and achieve our unlimited potential as beings of light.