Author : H. K. Bakhru’
It is a distinct philosophy and science which strengthens the age-old faith in the correction of bodily disorders and restoration of health through elements freely available in nature. It brings home the basic fact that healing is brought about by the inherent curative powers of the body. Practitioner Shri. H. K. Bakhru’s eBook entitled “The Complete Handbook of Nature’s Cures” is a complete guide to naturopathy. This eBook offers a way which, if followed, will provide re-newed energy, increased vitality, and greater satisfaction that comes from living a full and useful life. Bakhru advocates that nature provides a cure for every illness and disorder. Bakhru’s informative and revealing eBook contains 265 pages full of information on how to Naturally Cure many common ailments and diseases. Presented in PDF Format with easy Bookmarked Navigation so you won’t have to scroll through loads of pages just to find the section that you need.

Author : Larry Combs
Natural herbs have been in use since the dawn of time. The Chinese have been using these flavorful weeds for everything from spicing up a favorite dish to curing allergies. Common herbs are most known for their culinary uses. There are medicinal applications for herbs as well. The Native Americans knew the value of an herb. Whether it was to cure a toothache or cure an upset stomach, there was an herb for everything. Some of the best foods are made to taste that way because of an herb. Herbs 101 will guide you through the many different herbs, growing them, their many uses and applications, and how use them in cooking.

Author Unknown
Based on scientific evidence, it is clear that the safest and most effective treatment for various diseases are right in our households… A mixture of natural fruits, vegetables and herbs are some of things needed to prevent or cure disease. I’m not teaching you how to make a fruit salad – With the right combination of ingredients, a cure can be created in the privacy of your own home! Many off-the-counter drugs are made from natural extractions from plants, but of course, synthetic materials are combined in the mix – This causes the side effects you read and hear about. The facts and research in my book benefits everyone – Whether you’re a 21 year old student in University or you’re retired at the healthy age of 65, you’ll find the information within very useful. I’ve focused on common illnesses and treatments used by Chinese, Europeans, Indians and Asian cultures dating back for centuries.

Author Unknown
These herbal uses and properties are only given for reference purposes. I am not responsible for any actions or outcome of use of these remedies, taken by persons using these references. Please be aware that like food a person may have a personal reaction to an herb that is not necessarily a toxic substance. If not sure what the uses and dosages of herbs to be used are, please consult a medical or holistic practitioner. Information provided is not designed to diagnose, prescribe, or treat any illness, or injury and is provided for informational purposes only. Always consult a medical doctor, or other alternative medical practitioner when suffering from any disease, illness, or injury, or before attempting a traditional or folk remedy. Keep all products away from children. As with any natural product, they can be toxic if misused. PDF ebook