Author William Wynn Westcott
Ancient Ritualistic Lore and Prophecies of the Future Made Manifest to Man. With Eight Diagrams. Contents: The Kabalah; The Practical Kabalah; The Dogmatic Kabalah.
Author : J. F. C. Fuller
This masterly introduction to the Qabalah was written by one of the most influential occultists of the 20th Century. In addition to being a pupil and close associate of Aleister Crowley, Fuller was once the most decorated man in the British Army. The work reveals a strong depth of insight into western esoteric mysticism and should take pride of place alongside Dion Fortune’s ‘The Mystical Qabalah’ on any self respecting esotericist’s shelf. PDF ebook
Author : Dion Fortune
Dion Fortune’s classic, The Mystical Qabalah, explores all aspects of the Qabalah, including the esoteric sciences of astrology and tarot, which form the basis of the Western Mystery Traditions. It provides a key to the practical working of this mystical system for both novice and initiate alike. PDF ebook
Author Various
Kabbalah literally means “receiving”, in the sense of a “received tradition”, and is sometimes transliterated as Cabala, Kabbala, Qabalah, or other permutation. Kabbalah esoterically interprets the Hebrew Bible (Tanakh) and classical Jewish texts (halakha and aggadah) and practices (mitzvot), as expressing a mystical doctrine concerning God’s simultaneous immanence and transcendence, an attempted resolution to the ancient paradox of how the ultimate Being-“that which is not conceivable by thinking” (Isaac the Blind)-nevertheless comes to be known and experienced by the created world. 7 PDF ebooks
Author : Charles Leyland
It is a truth that there is very often an extremely easy, simple and prosaic way to attain many an end, which has always been supposed to require stupendous efforts. In an Italian fairy tale a prince besieges a castle with an army – trumpets blowing, banners waving, and all the pomp and circumstances of war – to obtain a beautiful heroine who is meanwhile carried away by a rival who knew of a subterranean passage. Hitherto, as I have already said, men have sought for self-control only by means of heroic exertion, or by besieging the castle from without; the simple system of Forethought and Self-Suggestion enables one, as it were, to steal or slip away with ease by night and in darkness that fairest of princesses, La Volonte, or the Will. The method which I have described in this book will enable any person gifted with perseverance to make an equable or calm state of mind habitual, moderately at first, more so by practice. And when this is attained the experimenter can progress rapidly in the path. PDF ebook
Author : H. Drummond
Is there not reason to believe that many of the Laws of the Spiritual World, hitherto regarded as occupying an entirely separate province, are simply the Laws of the Natural World? Can we identify the Natural Laws, or any one of them, in the Spiritual sphere? That vague lines everywhere run through the Spiritual World is already beginning to be recognized. Is it possible to link them with those great lines running through the visible universe which we call the Natural Laws, or are they fundamentally distinct? In a word, Is the Supernatural natural or unnatural? What is required, therefore, to draw Science and Religion together again, is the disclosure of the naturalness of the supernatural. Then, and not till then, will men see how true it is, that to be loyal to all of Nature, they must be loyal to the part defined as Spiritual. PDF ebook
Author :
Yoga Philosophy is one of the six systems of Hindu Philosophy which exist in India. Unlike so many other philosophies of the world, it is a philosophy that is wholly practical. Yoga is an exact science based on certain immutable Laws of Nature. It is well known to people of all countries of the world interested in the study of Eastern civilization and culture, and is held in awe and reverence as it contains in it the master-key to unlock the realms of Peace, Bliss, Mystery and Miracle. 118 pages PDF ebook
Author Steve Roberts
An interesting way of unfolding the mysteries of the inner process is through dream yoga. A successful seeker in dream-work must be stable enough in presence to avoid being swept away by the winds of karmic emotions and lost in the dream. As the mind steadies, dreams become longer, less fragmented, and more easily remembered, and lucidity is developed. Waking life is equally enhanced as we find that we are increasingly protected from being carried away by the habitual emotional reactions that draw us into distraction and unhappiness. Dream -work can instead develop the positive traits that lead to happiness and support the seeker in the spiritual journey. PDF ebook