All posts by Shaman vitki

Joyful Now: Heal Yourself Heal the World

joyful now

“Anchors of Joy”

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Joy is the very foundation of who we truly are. But there is no question that our modern lives find us with less joy. It has been replaced by more and more stress and worry. Some may wonder if they will ever find joy in their lives again.

Author T. M. Marshall’s Joyful Now: Heal Yourself Heal the World helps you return joy to your life. He expands on some well-known theories and practices in ways that will help you get the most out of life. For example, you’ll learn how to rid your life of things that drag you down and limit progress. The author also shows how visualization processes can help you manifest your heart’s desire.

Marshall has successfully used these techniques in group sessions for many years, helping people get more out of life and realize their true calling. Now he shares that information in Joyful Now: Heal Yourself Heal the World, opening the door wide for a greater flow of wealth, well-being, and peace of mind. And joy.

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Author Mare Cromwell


Mare Cromwell is a nature mystic, international speaker and author whose books have received multiple awards. She has studied with Native American teachers for nineteen years and has spiritually surrendered to the Great Mother and Earth Mother. One gifted Native American elder calls her The Voice of Earth MotherThe Great Mother Bible is her most recent book.

Her other two books are: Messages from Mother…. Earth Mother and If I gave you God’s phone number…. Searching for Spirituality in America.

Mare is also a plant intuitive and loves to commune with all things natural. She sits on the Seven Generations World Wisdom Council and is the visionary behind the Great Mother Wisdom Gathering in 2014 in Maryland. She has a background in international environmental work, was a professional sacred gardener for seventeen years, and worked contractually on environmental projects on the side.

In addition to Mare’s writing and speaking, she is an intuitive empath and shamanic practitioner. She loves to help people release old spiritual, psychological wounds and grow spiritually, to connect in more sacred ways with our Sacred Earth. Mare offers private healing sessions locally and long-distance.

The Great Mother Bible: or I’d rather be gardening

greatmother bible

“Awakening to Mother’s Love”

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Referred to as “The Voice of Earth Mother” by a gifted Shoshone elder, Mare Cromwell was awakened at 5 AM in November of 2013, and given specific instructions from the Great Mother to set aside that winter to listen and write “The Great Mother Bible”. Out of that spiritual call has come this revolutionary and humorous book of spiritual wisdom that speaks to the wondrous sacred realms in which we live. With teachings ranging from the role of aliens on Earth, the Christ Consciousness, and the need for balance between the Sacred Feminine and Divine Masculine, the Great Mother offers essential guidance to help bring our beleaguered world back into divine harmony.

Blessed Be Introduction to the Craft and Spiritual Magick

Blessed Be Introduction to the Craft and Spiritual Magick

“Perfect Guide to the Craft”

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The perfect guide to the Craft, Wicca, and spiritual magick! This book covers everything you need to know to practice the Craft and spiritual magick effectively. Covers calling the corners, spirit, Sabbats, moon magick, candle magick, crystals, herbs, and more! It also includes a detailed bonus section on the magickal 24 runes of the Elder Futhark as well.

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Author Bud Megargee


Author of Dirt, TRUTH, Music and Bungee Cords: Conversations With the Souls Who Guide My Life

This is my story.

For most of my life I have wondered why things happen the way that they do. What were the reasons as to why my life had evolved within a nurturing family structure that allowed for self- expression and life examination? Why did I make the choice to becoming involved in a healing profession? So many questions.

I remember during the summer before my junior year at a Midwestern College having to decide on a major as I moved out of my Liberal Arts curriculum. One professor suggested that we think about what we enjoyed or felt passionate towards. At the time I had no answer and because of that I randomly selected the field of psychology. You see, I did not have a master career plan. I just fell into the helping profession.

At a very young professional age I was able to study with some extraordinary men and women while we all examined the aspects of humanistic psychology. We concentrated on a variety of treatment approaches for the total individual; mind, body and soul. I remember thinking at that time that we were at the cutting edge and that with effort we could give aide and assistance to many. The mental health profession devoted its energy effectively to relieving the physical and psychological symptoms of mental and emotional challenges with astonishing advancements – but what of the spirit…the essence of the individual?

In the book Dirt, TRUTH, Music and Bungee Cords I chronicle my professional journey of discovery as to why there is so little attention to the spiritual component of helping people and why there has been so little consideration to my own spiritual growth. Hopefully you will see how a late night view of a simple wavy window changed everything. I continue to consult to the mental health field and when possible apply my efforts to clinical transformation and integrating Eastern psychological interventions into best practices.

I live in the green countryside of Southeastern Pennsylvania with my daughter Case and continue to write and study with my team of soulful interventionist and through that effort constantly review my own personal transformation. Case and I run or walk daily and apply as much remaining energy that we have to try address the issue of homelessness.

Author Shaman Vitki

New Age Author of Metaphysics and Lore, Balance Your Life Path Numerology,  Runes and Lore, and Blessed Be Introduction to the Craft and Spiritual Magick

Currently enrolled at University of Sedona to obtain a Doctor of Metaphysical Science, Msc.D.

I am a clairvoyant shaman who has been on a spiritual path in this lifetime since the year of my birth on 11/22. Timing is everything! Growing up in the United States, I was influenced by Christianity, but felt drawn to my Cherokee and German heritage. In 1996, I started to work with the runes of the Elder Futhark. In 1998, I went through my shamanic initiation after being chosen by the spirits. I am now a skilled vitki (magician skilled in working with the runes). I have also studied many metaphysical topics in depth such as Numerology, reincarnation, shamanism, runelore, crystals and gems, herbs, psychic reading, Tarot, Wicca and witchcraft, and Norse mythology.

Dirt,Truth, Music, and Bungee Chords: Conversations With The Souls Who Guide My Life



dirt truth


“Great book on spirit guides and spiritual truths”

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The unique and captivating six year journey of author Bud Megargee starts early one morning when he is confronted by a wavy window that makes him think that perhaps he is not seeing things clearly. In seeking his solutions, this trained clinician and senior healthcare executive drifts into the unconventional waters of Eastern philosophy and alternative medicine. There he encounters a group of Taiwanese monks, a psychic oracle and a number of soul guides who shake the very foundation of his belief system. In Dirt, TRUTH, Music and Bungee Cords the dialogue between Megargee and two specific soul guide personalities uncover the meaning of his human existence by interjecting anecdotal stories and numerous tasks that need to be completed in order to set in motion his authentic soul learning. These brutally honest and introspective discussions illuminate the direct learning relationships that we all have with souls who may have accompanied us through multiple lives — all we need to do is listen.

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